Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Posted by superviperking@gmail.com at 9:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: galeri
Week 7, Day 4
Posted by superviperking@gmail.com at 9:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: projek cili fertigasi
Monday, August 25, 2008
Buah cili
24 Aug 2008- Week 5 Day 4
Ada buah yang dah sepanjang 60 mm. But on average around 30 to 40 mm only. Dengan warna hijau muda sungguh menarik.
Ada sedikit serangan hamama tapi nampak macam terkawal. Masalah terbaru ialah ribut yang kuat telah menumbangkan hampir 30% dari pokok cili. This because of late in fixing the trellis.
Posted by superviperking@gmail.com at 10:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: projek cili fertigasi
24 Aug 2008
Flowers can be seen on all plants. The color is white. I managed to take a close up photo as follows. It is beautiful, right?
Racun serangga untuk buah perlu diberikan untuk menggelakkan dari serangga menyerang buah.
Posted by superviperking@gmail.com at 10:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: projek cili fertigasi
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Bunga pertama
10 Aug 2008, week 3- Day 4 di ladang
Latest news, pokok dah mengeluarkan bunga. This is the most exciting moment for me. It looks so beautiful. Majority dah berbunga just like the schedule. Come on guys, keep on growing and make me proud.
The plants is like our children too. We need to feed them enough nutrient and protect them all the time from pesticides to make them healthy.
Content of NPK need to be increased accordingly to match their age. Jangan kedekut, jika makanan cukup, mesti hasil pun bagus, insyaallah. Seronokkan tengok bunga tu...
Posted by superviperking@gmail.com at 12:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: projek cili fertigasi
Friday, August 1, 2008
Minggu ke-2 di ladang
31 Jul 08, hari pertama, minggu ke-2 di ladang.
Transplant completed successfully. Time taken to complete the process around 4 days. Actually, the process is easy. The difficult part is when we need to replace the damed white polybag which already expired (dah reput).
27 Jul 08, minggu pertama di ladang.
Transplant started on 25/7/08. Today, the transplants still in progress. About 50% completed.
Posted by superviperking@gmail.com at 3:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: projek cili fertigasi
Monday, July 14, 2008
Minggu ke-2 semaian
Pejam celik pejam celik dah masuk minggu ke-2 semaian. Seronok tengok anak benih membesar dengan sihat. Majoriti dalam 3 cm dan mempunyai 4 helai daun. Ada juga yang masih 2 daun. Tadi seharian dok ganti polybag baru. Tak siap lagi pun.
Rupany polybag putih hanya boleh bertahan untuk 1 musim sahaja. Kebanyakannya dah reput. This time I will use all black polybag. Lucky last time I use only 50% white polybag. Kalu tak tentu penat nak kena ganti semua. Cuba baru tau.
Fakta: polybag putih hanya boleh bertahan untuk 1 musim sahaja.
Posted by superviperking@gmail.com at 12:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: projek cili fertigasi
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Musim ke-2
Latest info. Dah masuk musim ke-2. Pada 29 Jun 08, semaian untuk musim ke-2 bermula.
Posted by superviperking@gmail.com at 1:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: projek cili fertigasi
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Indek Cili Matang
Bagaimana nak tau cili dah matang ke tidak? Ramai yang tak tahu bagaimana nak membezakan atau mengenal pasti samada cili yang ditanam dah masak ke tidak. Senang je, rujuk rajah ni.
Posted by superviperking@gmail.com at 12:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gred Cili
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Tips meracun
1) Racun
Gunakan bahan racun sekurang-kurangnya 3 jenis pada setiap masa. Pastikan stok racun minima anda ada 4 jenis untuk dan gunakan secara giliran. Contohnya jenis A, B, C dan D. Semburan racun pertama mestilah dari campuran A+B+C. Semburan ke-dua B+C+D. Ke-tiga C+D+A dan seterusnya. Pastikan racun yang dibeli boleh dicampur dengan racun lain. Sila rujuk label.
2) Masa semburan
Masa semburan mestilah berbeza. Sekiranya semburan pertama pada sebelah pagi, maka yang ke-2 mestilah petang atau malam.
3) Alat meracun
Alat semburan mestilah yang sesuai. Dinasihatkan agar menggunakan "power sprayer". Pam biasa juga boleh tapi ianya meletihkan. Apa salahnya cuba melabur sedikit untuk pam yang baik.
Nota: pastikan anda menggunakan "mask" untuk mengelakkan bau racun yang kuat. Sekiranya terkena badan sila rawat dengan segera seperti arahan. Jangan pandang mudah terhadap keselamatan anda.
Masa semburan berbeza serta menggunakan jenis racun berlainan untuk mengelakkan serangga "immune" pada racun tersebut.
Posted by superviperking@gmail.com at 10:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: Penyakit Cili
Jenis Penyakit
Apakah penyakit pokok cili?
Kebanyakan orang hanya bertanyakan berapa modal dan berapa untung boleh dapat dari projek cili ni. Tak ramai yang berminat nak tau apa jenis penyakit yang mungkin dihadapi.
Secara ringkasnya penyakit yang mungkin berlaku adalah daripada serangan serangga seperti kutu trip dan hamama. Penyakit ni adalah "common". Susah nak elak. Bagaimanapun jika anda mengamalkan kawalan serangga yang sistematik, maka penyakit ini akan dapat dikawal. Racun yang digunakan mestilah yang baik dan berkesan. Cuba tanya orang2 yang sudah lama mengusahakan projek ini tak kiralah samada secara tradisional atau pun moden. Tentu mereka boleh jawab.
Terdapat banyak racun yang kuat dan terbukti berkesan untuk mengawal serangan serangga ini antaranya ialah Ortus, Confidor, Reagent dan Mitac. Pastikan anda mempunyai 2 jenis racun untuk hamama dan kutu trip.
Serangga lain seperti bena, lalat buah dan lain2 juga perlu ada.
Penyakit lain seperti kulat (fungus) tidak begitu serius. Bagaimanapun masih perlu.
Gambar2 tentang penyakit akan saya upload kemudian.
Posted by superviperking@gmail.com at 10:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Penyakit Cili
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Kursus Asas Fertigasi
I received a call this morning asking for a fertigation course. As for your information, there is a basic course held by us in Selangor.
To those who is interested to join the course, please email me at superviperking@gmail.com or call me at the no below. I will make sure that you will get a sit for the course.
The course is good to get a better exposure and knowledge prior to start your own fertigation project like me. The great things is that it will be held during weekend. So to those who are working, there is no need for you to apply for leave cos it is on weekend. The fee is around RM400 only.
One more thing, since the sit is limited, we will go for 1st come 1st serve basis. Menuntut ilmu adalah fardu kifayah bagi umat Islam.
The next course date is 5 & 6 July 2008.
ringkasan dalam B.Malaysia
Kami ada menganjurkan kursus asas fertigasi di Selangor pada setiap bulan pada minggu pertama di hujung minggu (Sabtu & Ahad). Yuran kursus dalam RM400. Kepada yang berminat sila hubungi superviperking@gmail.com atau telefon saya. Kursus perlu untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan dan ilmu sebelum memulakan projek fertigasi sendiri seperti saya.
Kursus terdekat pada 5 & 6 Julai 2008.
Posted by superviperking@gmail.com at 3:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: Kursus Fertigasi
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Biasanya pengusaha fertigasi akan menggunakan plastic silvershine sebagai tutup bumi atau alas lantai. Saya cuba mendapatkan alternatif untuk menjimatkan kos. Hasilnya projek Temin menggunakan guni padi terpakai. Kos guni lebih murah sekitar RM0.08 sen sekaki persegi Nampak macam sikitkan? Tapi bila dikalikan dengan luas keseluruhan 8000 kaki persegi, saudara boleh tahan...
Maklumlah, baru start projek. So, memang nak kena cut cost. Kelemahan silvershine pula, senang koyak. Kos lantai dalam RM650. Kalau guna silvershine kos akan doubled.
Bagaimanapun guni ni ada kelemahannya. Drainage system must be good to keep the floor dry. Guni basah senang koyak.
Posted by superviperking@gmail.com at 12:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: fertigation system
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
A week after transplant
Posted by superviperking@gmail.com at 2:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: projek cili fertigasi
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Musim menuai
Banyak sangat nak cerita pasal projek ni tapi masa limited. Sekarang projek cili fertigasi ni dah sampai musim menuai. Sebenarnya mula tuai (harvest) pada minggu ke-4 bulan April 2008. Sekarang dah masuk bulan Jun-08. Dah banyak kali tuai sebenarnya.
Ni gambar terbaru as at 1-6-08. Cuba tengok buah yang merah tu. Gambar ni ambik masa dok mengutip buah hari ni. Teringat pula nak letak kat blog supaya korang boleh tengok. Hari ni punya hasil dalam 80kg sahaja dan buah pula semakin mengecil. Rupa-rupanya semakin ke atas semakin kecil saiz buahnya. Tak pe, rezeki juga ni kan.
Amacam, menarik tak gambar ni? Sorry, I'm not a professional photographer. Gambar ni pun ambik guna camera fon nokia 6120 classic sahaja. Janji boleh tengok kan!!!
Posted by superviperking@gmail.com at 11:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: projek cili fertigasi
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Pembajaan semasa semaian
Pembajaan semasa semaian amat mudah. Baja kimia digunakan daripada Set A dan Set B. Set A terdiri daripada Calsium dan Iron. Set B pula daripada Potassium, MKP, Magnesium dan beberapa bahan kimia lain.
Pembajaaan semasa semaian dilakukan sebanyak 2 kali sehari pada pagi dan petang. Kandungan baja disukat menggunakan EC meter. Kandungan baja bertambah mengikut masa. Spray biasa digunakan untuk membaja.
Posted by superviperking@gmail.com at 11:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: Fertilizer
Friday, May 23, 2008
Benih (Seed)
I was using F1 hybrid seeds. These are the best seeds. I want to have a good plants so I chose F1 hybrid. I was using 2 types which were 970 and 920. These were recommended from my "Chegu".
I complete the process within 2 days. I finished up my weekend doing this great stuff. These 2 days were great. Eventhough the weather was so hot (day time) but I have no complain.
I covered the tray with black plastic bag to keep it dark and moist. This is important to help speed up the growth.
Posted by superviperking@gmail.com at 10:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: projek cili fertigasi
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Teknik Semaian
Acuan yang digunakan ialah tray 104 lubang. Penuhkan dan ratakan dengan peat-moss. Tak perlu mampatkan peat-moss tersebut untuk pengudaraan.
Aturkan benih 1:1, maknanya setiap lubang hanya 1 benih. Setelah setiap lubang diisi, barulah tekan biji kedalam lubang dalam 2 ke 3mm dan tutupkan dengan peat-moss. Untuk membantu proses percambahan, tutupkan dengan plastik dsb supaya gelap dan kelembapan dapat dikekalkan. Lakukan siraman 2x sebelah pagi dan 2x sebelah petang setiap hari.
Gunakan benih terbaik dari "F1-hybrid" untuk hasil dan kualiti bermutu. Harga benih biasanya dalam RM90.00 bagi 20 gram sekitar 1400 biji sepeket.
Posted by superviperking@gmail.com at 12:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: projek cili fertigasi
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Mula menyemai pada 2 Feb 08, agak excited sebab berjaya memulakan projek ni. "Peat-moss" digunakan untuk sebagai media. Kelebihannya, peat-moss ni dah ada baja kat dalamnya. Just siram air sahaja untuk mengekalkan kelembapan media. Lepas seminggu (bila dah cambah) baru spray dengan baja. Klik untuk gambar...
Nota: Kalau nak jimat boleh guna cocopit atau spun yang di basahkan dengan baja fertigasi.
Posted by superviperking@gmail.com at 10:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: projek cili fertigasi
Rumah Semaian (Seed House)
Perbandingan beberapa quotation (sebutharga) mendapati kos purata adalah sekitar RM3,000. Untuk menjimatkan kos, saya kemudiannya membuat rancangan alternatif iaitu membina sendiri. Saya mula mengumpul quotation harga bahan-bahan daripada beberapa kedai hardware untuk struktur rumah dan para.
Berdasarkan pengalaman membuat lukisan masa sekolah saya membuat sketch rumah semaian mengikut saiz yang dikehendaki. Kesemua kuantiti bahan-bahan saya kira dan hargakan termasuk plastik UV, netting dan bahan-bahan lain.
Struktur asas daripada paip GI dan tapak dikonkrit supaya kuat. Proses pembinaan seperti berikut:
1) Cut pipe to size
2) Pipe bending for trusses
3) Welding joints
4) Concrete footing
5) Fixing shelf
6) Fixing plastic roof
7) Fixing surround netting
Rumah semaian ini berjaya disiapkan pada Jan-08. Kos termasuk buruh adalah RM2,100. So, jimat RM900. Bukan susah sangat pun. Kulit saya kena "sun burn" sebab buat kerja tengah panas.
Posted by superviperking@gmail.com at 9:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: projek cili fertigasi
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Sistem Fertigasi
Installation for the system was carried out on Jan-08. I've done this my self with the help of 1 assistant. It took me 3 days to complete the installation. The 3 days were excluding assembling the nipples and dripper to the micro tubing. With the help of my family, I managed to complete assembling the tubing complete with nipples and dripper within 4 nights.
Another big job is fixing the tubing to the sub-line. I complete this in 2 days with the help of 1 assistant.
Install main system= 3 days
Assemble tubing + dripper + nipple= 4 nights=2 days
Assemble tubing to sub-line= 2 days
Total = 7 days
Posted by superviperking@gmail.com at 11:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: fertigation system
Sistem Fertigasi
Fertigasi memerlukan sistem irrigasi mekanikal yang terdiri daripada paip, tangki air dan pump untuk menyalurkan baja ke setiap pokok. Projek Fertigasi Temin menggunakan:
1) 3 tangki air bersaiz 400 gallon
2) 1 pump elektrik 1.0 hp
3) paip PVC 25mm untuk rumah tangki
4) paip Poly 32mm bagi main line
5) paip poly 16mm bagi subline
6) micro tubing siap dengan nipple dan arrow dripper
7) 3 tangki 120 liter untuk baja set A, B dan campuran.
The above system was designed for maximum 2000 polybags. Actually, the project started with 1500 polybags only. The balance is just for future expansion.
Posted by superviperking@gmail.com at 10:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: fertigation system
Monday, May 12, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Projek Cili Fertigasi
Chronology of my involvement in FERTIGASI
Jul-07 : First time knowing about fertigasi
Aug-07 : Research and reading about fertigasi
Sep-07 : Searching for a place for proper course
Sep-07 : Attend a course
Oct-07 : Prepare paper works
Oct-07 : Looking for a Site to start
Nov-07 : Obtain a Site
Dec-07 : Sourcing for materials & tools
Jan-08 : Site preparation & setup system
Feb-08 : Menyemai benih (seeds)
Mar-08 : Transplant
Apr-08 : First harvest
May-08 : Subsequent harvest
Posted by superviperking@gmail.com at 4:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: projek cili fertigasi
Friday, May 9, 2008
Brief about me
I'm just a normal employee working with a private company in Construction Industry. After almost 15 years of service I notice that my life does not improve much. I do not want to live like this forever. I have to look for other options.
I think I have found it. At the time I'm writing this blog, I have already started my first project.
"Di mana ada kehendak, diikuti dengan usaha, insyaallah akan ada kejayaan".
I create this blog just to share my knowledge with everybody who really wants to do FERTIGASI but just do not know how and where to start with.
No harm to read, who knows maybe this fertigation business is suitable for you too.
Should you have any queries whatsoever kindly contact me at:
1) email: superviperking@gmail.com
2) tel: 019-2112773 / 012-9844445
By the way, just call me ZACH or ZAKI
Posted by superviperking@gmail.com at 9:33 PM 1 comments
Labels: About me
Why Fertigasi?
From plantfoodco.com
Fertigation is becoming widely accepted in the industry due to the fact that a properly designed system will perform accurately, is now economical, easy to install, saves time, labor and most importantly, will save you money. A proper system will eliminate waste, sludge and residues. It allows one to "fine tune" fertility levels, and will monitor the rates of fertilizer being applied.
A good system will also address the reduction of fertigation water runoff which will soon be environmentally required.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fertigation is used extensively in commercial agriculture and horticulture and is starting to be used in general landscape applications as dispenser units become more reliable and easy to use.
Benefits of fertigation over traditional broadcast or drop fertilizing methods include:
- Increased nutrient absorption by plants
- Reduction in fertilizer and chemicals needed
- Reduced leaching to the water table and,
- Reduction in water usage due to the plant's resulting increased root mass being able to trap and hold water
Posted by superviperking@gmail.com at 6:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: Why Fertigasi?
What is Fertigasi?
Fertigation (Fertigasi)- the meaning...
From plantfoodco.com
Fertigation has been described as the application of plant nutrients in irrigation water to accomplish fertilization.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fertigation is the application of fertilizers, soil amendments, or other water soluble products through an irrigation system. Chemigation, a related and sometimes interchangeable term, is the application of chemicals through an irrigation system. Chemigation is considered to be a more restrictive and controlled process due to the potential nature of the products being delivered (pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, etc.) to cause harm to humans, animals or the environment. Therefore chemigation is generally more regulated than fertigation.
Posted by superviperking@gmail.com at 6:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: what is fertigasi?