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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Project will continue at other Site

In whatever agricultural projects, the best part is when doing the harvesting where you may collect your income after "fasting" for a period of time. Harvest time for my project based on schedule supposed to end on early Jan-09, but I managed to harvest up to November only due to some technical problem.

This can easily be solved if I managed to be at the Site at all times which enabled me to attend to any problems immediately. One good experience is, "one can't rely on other people 100%, especially workers".

I managed to meet new "Pegawai Pertanian" and he was not happy with the project. He said he will get a new entreprenur to continue the project since I cannot commit to be at the Site the whole time. 

Now pending on my belonging to be compensated, if not then I would have to move them to new Site.
So, time for me to move to other Site and this time I will look for a partner who will be at the Site all the times. 

Anyway, I wish new candidate to be successful in the project. Once, I started at new Site, I shall publish the update again, insyaallah.

"Semua ini dugaan Tuhan supaya kita sedar dan ingat siapa kita sebenarnya". Teruskan usaha, insyaallah berjaya. AMIN...


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