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Monday, August 25, 2008

Buah cili

24 Aug 2008- Week 5 Day 4

Ada buah yang dah sepanjang 60 mm. But on average around 30 to 40 mm only. Dengan warna hijau muda sungguh menarik.
Ada sedikit serangan hamama tapi nampak macam terkawal. Masalah terbaru ialah ribut yang kuat telah menumbangkan hampir 30% dari pokok cili. This because of late in fixing the trellis.

24 Aug 2008

Flowers can be seen on all plants. The color is white. I managed to take a close up photo as follows. It is beautiful, right?

Racun serangga untuk buah perlu diberikan untuk menggelakkan dari serangga menyerang buah.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

10 Aug 08

27 July 08

Bunga pertama

10 Aug 2008, week 3- Day 4 di ladang

Latest news, pokok dah mengeluarkan bunga. This is the most exciting moment for me. It looks so beautiful. Majority dah berbunga just like the schedule. Come on guys, keep on growing and make me proud.

The plants is like our children too. We need to feed them enough nutrient and protect them all the time from pesticides to make them healthy.

Content of NPK need to be increased accordingly to match their age. Jangan kedekut, jika makanan cukup, mesti hasil pun bagus, insyaallah. Seronokkan tengok bunga tu...

Friday, August 1, 2008

Minggu ke-2 di ladang

31 Jul 08, hari pertama, minggu ke-2 di ladang.

Transplant completed successfully. Time taken to complete the process around 4 days. Actually, the process is easy. The difficult part is when we need to replace the damed white polybag which already expired (dah reput).

27 Jul 08, minggu pertama di ladang.

Transplant started on 25/7/08. Today, the transplants still in progress. About 50% completed.

balance yet to transplant

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